A great time in Georgetown: Penang, Malaysia

Running through a sketchy looking housing estate with everything I own on my back, all 11kg of it. It’s 90% humidity and 28 degree heat. Sweat dripping from my face, heart racing at the thought of missing my night bus which is due to leave in 5 minutes. Not a clue where I am, relying…Continue reading A great time in Georgetown: Penang, Malaysia

Uncovering the real Singapore

I got as far planning my trip to Singapore as I did with my “life to do” list back home in Portsmouth, which is quiet frankly zilch. Less than a week after deciding where to go I was off again, this time in the luxury of Jet Airways. I bloody love budget airlines and not just…Continue reading Uncovering the real Singapore

Mowies: Gili Air, Indonesia

Out of every place I’ve travelled to across Europe, Asia, America and Australia, Mowies is the one place which has wowed me the most, and here’s why. I’ve heard of many backpackers getting stopped in their tracks and stuck somewhere for a while, but after six months on the move, stopping for no longer than a week in each…Continue reading Mowies: Gili Air, Indonesia

Karma Beach Resort: Gili Meno, Indonesia

Karma Beach is my first restaurant review from Indonesia. In fact, it’s been over seven months since I have reviewed a restaurant as I’ve been busy travelling around South East Asia. Luckily mum has become an exceptionally good web-savvy food critic (like mother like daughter!) and continues to provide you with her honest reviews back in England. I’ve been…Continue reading Karma Beach Resort: Gili Meno, Indonesia