La Palma, European hiking trail, GR131,  European hiking trail, GR131,  Mt Teide, Teneriffe, volcano, Tenerife volcano, travel blog, travel blogger, Felicity Macintosh, alter ego, walking, hiking, Tenerife hiking, La Palma, canaries, Canary Islands, Mount Teide, Nutella, Mirador de El Time, Tazacorte, Puerto Tazacorte, Puerto Tazacorte Beach, Puerto Naos, Playa de Charco Verde, banana plantation, Santa Cruz, H10 La Palma,

Stage 4 GR131: La Palma, Canaries

Stage 4 of our hike across La Palma on the European hiking trail, GR131. Read about the day before here. The wind had picked up a little but the tent held strong and I had a fantastic nights sleep, a little too hot in fact as I had gone to bed in my clothes. Marco…Continue reading Stage 4 GR131: La Palma, Canaries

Roque de los Muchachos

Stage 3 GR131: La Palma, Canaries

The third leg of our walk across La Palma on the European hiking trail, GR131. Click here to read about the day before. From the refuge, the walk was pleasant with continuous ups and downs on a rocky mountain path. There wasn’t much vegetation as we continued on at an altitude above 2000 meters. At…Continue reading Stage 3 GR131: La Palma, Canaries

Stage 2 Route GR131: La Palma, Canaries.

The second leg of our walk across La Palma on European hiking trail GR131. We were woken up at 10:30pm by loud voices and a torch. It scared the shit out of us. We were miles away from anywhere and there was no one around. Maybe it was the ranger wanting to check our camping…Continue reading Stage 2 Route GR131: La Palma, Canaries.