Packing light is something I’ve always struggled with and a few weeks in to every trip I say “next time, next time I’ll pack lighter”. Of course it never happens and instead I just seem to accumulate more and more “stuff” along the way.

Over the years I’ve formed a love/hate relationship with “stuff”. Having an unnecessary amount of stuff slows me down, makes me more prone to theft and causees muscle pain like there’s no tomorrow, but at the same time it’s nice to have with me some of life’s little luxuries. This time however, I’m under strict instructions from my younger brother Peter, now referred to as Hugo, to
bring nothing apart from cycling shorts, marathon plus bike tyres, a sleeping bag and a pack of the “absolute essentials” and dearly missed Kinder Happy Hippos.
If Hugo thinks I’m roughing it and becoming a homeless Muzungu (European) which he’s been referred to for the past five months, he’s got another thing coming. I am however leaving behind my designer shoes, a strict skincare regime, mineral make up and most importantly the ability to indulge in an outstanding selection of gourmet burgers, home-cooked roasts, gelato, artesian chocolate, freshly baked cakes, fine wines, craft beer, cocktails and whole bunch of other delights available at a click of a button.

For those of you who may be interested to see just what’s inside my bag. Here’s my kit list for my bike as I cycle through India before having another year or two in Australasia. I’ve also taken a separate bag with warm clothes and supplies in for my stint in Nepal. Once in India I will give what’s no longer needed to a better home.
- Vest
- Cycling shorts
- Sports shorts
- Elephant trousers
- Leggings
- Black t-shirt
- Thermal jumper
- 2 sports socks
- 1 pair warm socks
- 5 pants
- Sports crop top
- Bikini
- Flannel (double up as towel)
- Trainers
- Buff
- Gloves

- Popping candy
- Chalk
- Crayons
- Bouncy balls
- Water pistols
- Colouring pad
- Coins
Bike stuff:
- 2 small panniers
- Waterproof tri-bag
- Tyre boot
- Marathon plus tyres
- Saddle
- Glue
- Patches
- Ball bearings & grease
- Elastic bands
- Brakes
- Electrical tape
- Cable ties
- Helmet
Bare “Essentials”:
- Passport / visas / photos / photocopies
- Toiletries – conditioner / body wash / shampoo / cleanser / sunscreen / toothbrush / toothpaste / moisturiser
- Bungee cords
- Sewing kit
- Maps
- Photos of peter
- Plastic bags
- Sleeping bag
- Sleeping mat
- Back-up sleeping mat
- Pillow
- Rather large first aid kit
- Wet wipes
- Hand sanitiser
- Cutlery
- Deodorant
- Insect repellent
- Electrolites tablets
- Dry bag
- Business cards
- Key rings
- Sunglasses
- Sharpie
- Notepad and pen
- Sleep mask / earplugs
- Hair brush
- Heavy duty bin bags
- Sandwich bags
- Scissors
- Hair ties
- 2 phones
- iPad
- iPod
- Camera
- SJ Cam plus mounts
- Plugs & cables
- USB sticks
- Spare batteries
- Memory cards
- Travel adapter
- Memory bank
- Headphones
- Electrolyte tablets
- Jelly babies
- Fruit pastels
- Chocolate
- Cereal bars
- Nuts
- Fudge
Lastly, Pete’s Hugo’s Christmas present
Wow. This may sound like a lot of stuff and believe me it is! I’m not quite sure how I’m going to keep my legs moving with this on my bike but I’ll give it a good shot. At the end of the day, stuff is just stuff and I can always give it to people I meet on the way. I may as well try to make use of some of the stuff I’m lucky enough to have rather than it spend another year or two boxed in my parents loft, agree?

My plan of “cycling India carrying nothing but a small day bag” may have failed at the first hurdle but I find it strangly comforting being over-prepared for a trip like this. Perhaps my over-preparation in what to bring makes up for the severe lack of physical preparation or maybe it’s just my “womenly instinct” – you know how mums seem to think of / have everything? Maybe it’s just my age.
Anyway, I hope this gives you an insight as to what to pack for a trip like this and if even if you never intend to embark on one yourself, it’ll give you an insight in to what’s to come: tired legs, sore head, cursing every single kilogram.
Time to fly…

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