The more I travel the more I experience the kindness of strangers.
A lady in Vietnam once cooked for me the meat she had been saving for a special family occasion, villagers in the Philippines made me part of their community, countless Japanese people offered me a bed for the night and nurses in Australia went out of their way to help me most in my hours of need. I’ve been lent money when my card’s been declined, driven to my destination when I’ve found myself lost and offered the last biscuit when stuck in an airport lounge for nine hours without any access to food.
Over the past few years I’ve been touched by the kindness of others.
I could write a book about all the heart-warming experiences I’ve encountered but unfortunately the names of many of the kind people I’ve met have been temporarily misplaced in what has become a bottomless pit of sensory overload, otherwise known as “my head”.
So without further ado, I’d like to publicly acknowledge the kindness of others and start a list of Thank You’s.
A big thank you to…..
- My parents and grandparents – without them none of this would have been possible
- Members of the Portsmouth Cycling & Touring Club for donating panniers, sunglasses and saddle bag
- Auntie Catia for donating her son’s old sleeping bag
- Si at Cycle Surgery Port Solent for servicing my bike for free just in case I decided to take it to India
- Auntie Gill for donating a cycling jersey, fleece, sunglasses and seat bag
- Dave from Hampshire Hogs Cycling Club for donating his old sleeping mat
- Lauren Bumhead for donating her dry bag, lady bum bag and rape alarm
- Auntie Jools for keeping me fuelled with a ton of chocolate.