A crazy 48 hours in Beijing – Part 1: Beijing, China

A lot can happen in 48 hours especially in Beijing. So much so my story has two parts. Hear about my problems with Chinese authorities, learn about local city life and find out what happened on my first day in Beijing.

Part two of a crazy 48 hours in Beijing: Beijing, China

I had only been in China half a day but I’d already covered so much (read about it here). After a trip to Beihai ParkĀ , Wesley (my coachsurfing host) and I rode the bikes back to Wesley’s neck of the woods (Jishitan) and went for lunch at a local place just round the corner. There…Continue reading Part two of a crazy 48 hours in Beijing: Beijing, China

Does everything happen for a reason?: Tauranga, New Zealand

  “Always look on the bright side of life”. To be honest I’m really struggling right now. The sun has questionably risen (its so dark and wet out there) and I’ve been in Auckland airport for 16 hours with another 12 to go before my flight. How did this happen I hear you ask? Well…let’s…Continue reading Does everything happen for a reason?: Tauranga, New Zealand

Memoirs of Tarquin Part Two: Northland, New Zealand

The final instalment from our road trip around Northland. Flat tyres, camping at the most northern point, New Zealand’s “best” food and all sorts of weird and wonderful mishaps. Read on to find out…