When I first heard that people in India wipe their arse with their hands I was horrified. I’m used to travelling fairly rough, but that takes it to a whole new level, one I wasn’t prepared to explore. Yet one week in and I’m sorry to say, I have had no other choice. Not only…Continue reading Varanasi to Thiruvananthapuram by train: Chennai, India
Category: India
Happy Holi: Varanasi, India
While life shits on me, albeit in little ways that don’t really matter, it always seems to work out for Hugo. I dragged myself out of bed at five for the umpteenth morning to put back on my filthy cycling gear and accompany Hugo on the 40km cycle to try and find his passport. I…Continue reading Happy Holi: Varanasi, India
Cycling the road to Varanasi: India
We tried our best to find an ATM as soon we arrived in India but all of the ATM’s were closed or broken. India is a closed currency country which means you can’t get rupees before you enter. However, what most people don’t know is that you can illegally get your hands on some rupees…Continue reading Cycling the road to Varanasi: India
The Kit List
Your browser does not support the video tag. Packing light is something I’ve always struggled with and a few weeks in to every trip I say “next time, next time I’ll pack lighter”. Of course it never happens and instead I just seem to accumulate more and more “stuff” along the way. Over the years…Continue reading The Kit List